Creativity Part


Visiting client place is the important factor of your design process. Visit client place and get all the proper and necessary measurements done is important for going further in our design process according to the measurements we got.lisit down all the needs and demands of our client which they particulalry want in our designing part.
listing down  everybodies needs and do mention the time limit for the next meeting in which you showcase ur work to them.. Do remember ur work time spam should not be too long..


Firstly do lots of research work according to the taste and requirements you get from ur client. Make mood boards,2ds , 3ds and other drawing if necessary and make presentations of ur work which u are gonna showcase in your first official client meeting. Do give all the mood boards and 2ds or 3ds to the particular member according to there room do mention all the key aspects of ur design in brief mention all the material u are gonna use at that particular place and notedown if there is any changes from ur client side.
Its ur responsibility to ask prons and corns about ur design from urs client ... :)


  1. Really important facts to consider that you are sharing. ��

  2. Nice one kritika I really want to know more about interiors facts share if u can


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